Wallpaper Tips from Our Interior Design Experts

Wallpaper Tips from Our Interior Design Experts

Posted: June 01 2023

There’s nothing that makes a statement more than wallpaper. They're not just a trend from the past, they're a vibrant and captivating way to elevate your home decor game. With fresh new designs, adding wallpaper is an exciting way to express your creativity and showcase your personality.
Not sure if you should wallpaper your room? We asked our interior design experts to share some wallpaper tips to help you step out of your comfort zone - when then there’s a will, there’s a wall!

Why Should You Wallpaper?

It is a good way to start designing as it can be an anchor for the space and really help define the theme of the room. What many people don’t know is that it also adds to the longevity and durability of your walls. You can start small with a powder room or a nook, but you’ll probably get hooked!

How Do You Know Which Wall to Wallpaper? 

When deciding which wall to wallpaper, choose the wall you first see when you walk into the room. Choose a full wall rather than one with windows for the most impact. If you decide to wallpaper around windows, be mindful of pattern choice as both elements can compete for attention and affect your feature wall's overall symmetry.

Dose the Type of Wallpaper Vary Based on the Room?

Yes, when looking at wallpapers for spaces that have high humidity, such as bathrooms, you are going to want to select a vinyl wallpaper. Look for vinyl wallpaper that is designed specifically for bathrooms or outdoors as these work best in high humidity and moisture locations.  

What is the Best Way to Clean Wallpaper?

If your wallpaper requires cleaning always start by dusting the wallpaper. Create a gentle cleaning solution of dish soap and warm water and gently dab the affected area with a lint-free cloth to be sure you do not remove the print or fade the colour.  

What are the Latest Wallpaper Trends?

Bold and Colourful. People are taking more design risks now than ever! No matter your style or the size of your home, there really are wallpaper ideas for everyone. Where we are seeing more of the ‘trends’ are the locations people are putting wallpaper. Bathrooms have become increasingly popular to have wallpaper. 
Give your home the ‘wow’ factor and don’t be afraid to try something new, so your home can feel as unique as you! 
Need other ideas for your feature walls? Read our Style Guide on Accent Walls and make your new home magazine-worthy! 

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